Impressen des deutschsprachigen Manga: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

ganze Zellen eingefärbt
K (+kategorie; layout;)
K (ganze Zellen eingefärbt)
Zeile 12:
* <span style="background:lightblue">Hellblau</span> markiert ist ein Neuzugang, der gleichzeitig auch einen Abgang darstellt, also eine Kombination aus Rot und Grün.
== Detektiv Conan ==
=== Hauptreihe ===
{| class="roundtable manga"
Zeile 73:
| Andrea Reule
| Uwe Oertel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm</div>
Zeile 97:
| Andrea Reule
| Uwe Oertel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Ebner&Spiegel, Ulm</div>
Zeile 109:
| Andrea Reule
| Uwe Oertel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm</div>
Zeile 151:
| [[Band 12|12]]
| <div style="background:red"> | Georg F.W. Tempel</div>
| Steffen Hautog
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Christiane Dihsmaier</div>
| Uwe Oertel
| Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm
Zeile 216:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Christiane Dihsmaier
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Angelika Rekowski</div>
| Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm
Zeile 276:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Christiane Dihsmaier
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Angelika Rekowski, Simone Nauerth</div>
| Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm
Zeile 288:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Christiane Dihsmaier
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Angelika Rekowski</div>
| Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm
Zeile 313:
| Christiane Dihsmaier
| Angelika Rekowski
| <div style="background:yellow"> | CPI, Leck</div>
Zeile 325:
| Christiane Dihsmaier
| Angelika Rekowski
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Clausen & Bosse, Leck</div>
Zeile 423:
| Clausen & Bosse, Leck
| <div style="background:lightblue"> | Maya Mochizuki</div>
Zeile 459:
| Clausen & Bosse, Leck
| <div style="background:lightblue"> | Jörg Böhnke</div>
Zeile 467:
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Nadin Kreisel</div>
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Lisa Hardenbicker</div>
| <div style="background:red"> | Clausen & Bosse, Leck</div>
Zeile 480:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Angelika Rekowski</div>
| <div style="background:lightgreen"> | Printed in the EU</div>
Zeile 516:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Sandra Pennewitz</div>
| Printed in the EU
Zeile 528:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Angelika Rekowski</div>
| Printed in the EU
Zeile 564:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Sandra Pennewitz</div>
| Printed in the EU
Zeile 578:
| Sandra Pennewitz
| <div style="background:red"> | Printed in the EU</div>
Zeile 589:
| Nadin Kreisel
| Sandra Pennewitz
| <div style="background:lightgreen"> | Clausen & Bosse, Leck</div>
Zeile 648:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Sarah Fritsche</div>
| Clausen & Bosse, Leck
Zeile 673:
| Nadin Kreisel
| Sarah Fritsche
| <div style="background:yellow"> | CPI – Clausen & Bosse, Leck</div>
Zeile 720:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Lisa Hardenbicker</div>
| CPI – Clausen & Bosse, Leck
Zeile 732:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Simone Nauerth</div>
| CPI – Clausen & Bosse, Leck
Zeile 779:
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Christopher Willmann</div>
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Elisabeth Hardenbicker</div>
| CPI – Clausen & Bosse, Leck
Zeile 815:
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Nadin Kreisel</div>
| Elisabeth Hardenbicker
| <div style="background:yellow"> | CPI – Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm</div>
Zeile 828:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:red"> | Elisabeth Hardenbicker</div>
| CPI – Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm
Zeile 861:
| Steffen Hautog
| <div style="background:orange"> | Funky Kraut</div>
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
Zeile 875:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Theresa Lindenstruth</div>
| CPI – Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm
Zeile 889:
| Theresa Lindenstruth
| <div style="background:red"> | CPI – Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm</div>
Zeile 902:
| <div style="background:lightgreen"> | Printed in Germany (670421)</div>
| <div style="background:lightblue"> | Marie-Alice Raymond</div>
| [[Band 75|75]]
Zeile 938:
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Printed in Germany</div>
Zeile 1.127:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Manuela Rudolph</div>
Zeile 1.135:
=== Short Stories ===
{| class="roundtable manga"
! Band !! Verantwortlicher Redakteur !! Lettering !! Gestaltung !! Koordination !! Buchherstellung !! Druck und Verarbeitung !! Druckort
Zeile 1.145:
| Christiane Dihsmaier
| Angelika Rekowski
| <div style="background:red"> | GGP Media GmbH, Pößneck</div>
Zeile 1.152:
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Nadin Kreisel</div>
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Lisa Hardenbicker</div>
Zeile 1.164:
| Lisa Hardenbicker
| <div style="background:lightgreen"> | Printed in the EU</div>
| [[Band 4 (Short Stories)|4]]
Zeile 1.189:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Angelika Rekowski</div>
| Printed in the EU
Zeile 1.198:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Sandra Pennewitz</div>
| Printed in the EU
Zeile 1.236:
| Sandra Pennewitz
| <div style="background:red"> | Printed in the EU</div>
| [[Band 12 (Short Stories)|12]]
Zeile 1.244:
| Nadin Kreisel
| Sandra Pennewitz
| <div style="background:lightgreen"> | GGP Media GmbH, Pößneck</div>
Zeile 1.288:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Sarah Fritsche</div>
| GGP Media GmbH, Pößneck
Zeile 1.312:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Stein-Kreisel
| <div style="background:red"> | CPI – Ebner & Spiegel, Ulm</div>
Zeile 1.319:
| Steffen Hautog
| Funky Kraut Productions
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Claudia V. Villhauer, MOX</div>
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Theresa Lindenstruth</div>
| <div style="background:lightgreen"> | Printed in Germany (670421)</div>
| [[Special Romance Edition|SRE]]
| Steffen Hautog
| <div style="background:red"> | Funky Kraut Productions</div>
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Claudia V. Villhauer & MOX</div>
| Theresa Lindenstruth
Zeile 1.337:
| Steffen Hautog
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Esther Strunck</div>
| Theresa Lindenstruth
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Printed in Germany</div>
Zeile 1.346:
| Steffen Hautog
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Claudia V. Villhauer</div>
| Theresa Lindenstruth
Zeile 1.355:
| Steffen Hautog
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Claudia V. Villhauer & MOX</div>
| Theresa Lindenstruth
Zeile 1.410:
| Claudia V. Villhauer & MOX
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Manuela Rudolph</div>
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Printed in the EU</div>
| Kevin Damske
=== Anime Film Comics ===
{| class="roundtable manga"
Zeile 1.431:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Theresa Lindenstruth
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Printed in the EU (675274)</div>
| [[Der Scharfschütze aus einer anderen Dimension 1|Film 18 #1]]
Zeile 1.437:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Theresa Lindenstruth
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Printed in EU (675274)</div>
| [[Der Scharfschütze aus einer anderen Dimension 2|Film 18 #2]]
Zeile 1.443:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Theresa Lindenstruth
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Printed in the EU (675274)</div>
== Magic Kaito ==
=== Kaito Kid ===
{| class="roundtable manga"
Zeile 1.478:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Sandra Pennewitz</div>
| <div style="background:red"> | Printed in the EU</div>
Zeile 1.488:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Sarah Fritsche</div>
| <div style="background:lightgreen"> | CPI – Clausen & Bosse, Leck</div>
=== Kaito Kid Treasured Edition ===
{| class="roundtable manga"
Zeile 1.509:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Theresa Lindenstruth
| <div style="background:red"> | GGP Media GmbH, Pößneck</div>
Zeile 1.517:
| Theresa Lindenstruth
| <div style="background:lightgreen"> | Printed in Germany (671575)</div>
| [[Band 4 (Kaito Kid)|4]]
Zeile 1.529:
| Steffen Hautog
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Manuela Rudolph</div>
| <div style="background:yellow"> | Printed in the EU</div>
== Sonstiges ==
=== Bild Comic-Bibliothek 6 ===
{| class="roundtable manga"
Zeile 1.548:
=== Gosho Aoyama Short Stories ===
{| class="roundtable manga"
Zeile 1.559: