(→Kaito Kid: Danke an paw!) |
(→Hauptreihe: Danke an paw!) |
Zeile 441:
| [[Band 40]]
| Steffen Hautog
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| Angelika Rekowski
| Printed in the EU
| [[Band 41]]
Zeile 458:
| Nadin Kreisel
| Angelika Rekowski
| Printed in the EU
| [[Band 42]]
Zeile 468:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow">Sandra Pennewitz</div>
| Printed in the EU
| [[Band 43]]
Zeile 479:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow">Angelika Rekowski</div>
| Printed in the EU
| [[Band 44]]
Zeile 491:
| Nadin Kreisel
| Angelika Rekowski
| Printed in the EU
| [[Band 45]]
Zeile 502:
| Nadin Kreisel
| Angelika Rekowski
| Printed in the EU
| [[Band 46]]
Zeile 512:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow">Sandra Pennewitz</div>
| Printed in the EU
Zeile 525:
| Sandra Pennewitz
| <div style="background:red">Printed in the EU</div>
Zeile 535:
| Nadin Kreisel
| Sandra Pennewitz
| <div style="background:lightgreen">Clausen & Bosse, Leck</div>
Zeile 573:
| [[Band 52]]
| Steffen Hautog
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| Sandra Pennewitz
| Clausen & Bosse, Leck
| [[Band 53]]
| Steffen Hautog
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow">Sarah Fritsche</div>
| Clausen & Bosse, Leck
| [[Band 54]]
Zeile 612:
| Nadin Kreisel
| Sarah Fritsche
| <div style="background:yellow">CPI
| [[Band 56]]
| Steffen Hautog
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| Sarah Fritsche
| CPI – Clausen & Bosse, Leck
| [[Band 57]]
Zeile 634:
| Nadin Kreisel
| Sarah Fritsche
| [[Band 58]]
| Steffen Hautog
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| Sarah Fritsche
| CPI – Clausen & Bosse, Leck
| [[Band 59]]
Zeile 655:
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow">Lisa Hardenbicker</div>
Zeile 667:
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:yellow">Simone Nauerth</div>
Zeile 678:
| Nadin Kreisel
| Simone Nauerth
| [[Band 62]]
| Steffen Hautog
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| Simone Nauerth
| CPI – Clausen & Bosse, Leck
| [[Band 63]]
| Steffen Hautog
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| Nadin Kreisel
| Simone Nauerth
| CPI – Clausen & Bosse, Leck
| [[Band 64]]
Zeile 709:
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| <div style="background:yellow">Christopher Willmann</div>
| <div style="background:yellow">Elisabeth Hardenbicker</div>
| CPI – Clausen & Bosse, Leck
Zeile 742:
| Funky Kraut Productions
| Claudia V. Villhauer
| <div style="background:yellow">Nadin Kreisel</div>
| Elisabeth Hardenbicker
| <div style="background:yellow">CPI
Zeile 755:
| Nadin Kreisel
| <div style="background:red">Elisabeth Hardenbicker</div>
Zeile 766:
| Nadin Kreisel
Zeile 777:
| Nadin Kreisel
Zeile 788:
| Nadin Kreisel
Zeile 799:
| <div style="background:yellow">Theresa Lindenstruth</div>
Zeile 810:
| Theresa Lindenstruth
| <div style="background:red">CPI